Tips & Turorials

All the information you need: Answers, tips, and tricks.


How long do speakers last?

How long speakers last depends on the quality, maintenance, and environment. Quality speakers that are used responsibly may last for decades. Their high-quality circuitry, switches,


What Are Speakers Made Of?

Speakers contain many components, including a frame, a magnet, an iron core, a voice coil, and a cone. The magnet and the cone are attached


Can You Use Any Turntable for DJing?

You can technically use any turntable. However, professional DJs tend to use high-end turntables with direct drive motors and quality components. A direct-drive motor is


What Does a 3-Speed Turntable Mean?

What does 3-speed turntable mean? A three-speed turntable can play all three standard sizes of vinyl records. Early mass-produced records were 10-inches in diameter and

How does a turntable stylus work?

How Does a Turntable Stylus Work?

A turntable stylus reads the grooves in a vinyl record. The stylus, or needle, vibrates as it tracks the grooves. The vibrations are carried through

What is a direct drive turntable?

What is a Direct Drive Turntable?

So you might have recently started looking into turntables or just want to learn more about the world of vinyl. In any case, you will

can cheap turntables damage records

Can cheap turntables damage records?

The short answer is, yes they can. Some cheaper turntables feature a low-quality stylus that might last only 40 playing hours and can start damaging

What Is Anti Skate On A Turntable?

What Is Anti Skate On A Turntable?

Anti Skate is a feature on a turntable that counteracts against the skating force pushing the tonearm towards the center when playing a record. This


What’s the purpose of a preamp?

Often people starting out think that you simply need a turntable and some speakers and you can start playing music. What they are missing is


How much is a turntable?

Turntables can cost as little as $60 and as much as $3000. Of course, within this range turntables will differ widely in terms of features


How to Clean a Turntable Needle

Cleaning your turntable needle on a regular basis can provide you with a better listening experience and it also ensures a longer life for your


The Future of Vinyl Records

Do you still have your old vinyl records? Tens of years after the heyday of the LP there is a real vinyl revival going on.