Everything about Vinyl and Audio

Your guide in vinyl, turntables and every type of audio equipment.

Tips & Turorials

All the information you need: Answers, tips, and tricks.


What Does a 3-Speed Turntable Mean?

What does 3-speed turntable mean? A three-speed turntable can play all three standard sizes of vinyl records. Early mass-produced records were 10-inches in diameter and


The Future of Vinyl Records

Do you still have your old vinyl records? Tens of years after the heyday of the LP there is a real vinyl revival going on.


If you are looking for a turntable with a specific feature or within a certain budget you can take look at one of guides below.


If you are looking for a turntable with a specific feature or within a certain budget you can take look at one of guides below.

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I’m Sjoerd, the guy behind Record Sound Pro. Ever since I bought my first Record Player and audio hardware I was hooked. Usually you will find me listening to music or researching the latest gadgets, but when I’m not, I’m here writing about the latest trends in audio and vinyl.